Back Acne

Understanding How to Get Rid of Back Acne Holistically 

2 minutes, 35 seconds Read

Back acne, also referred to as “bacne,” is a common skin condition for people of all ages. Recognizable by inflammation and the persistent pimples, cysts, and whiteheads that it causes, acne on your back and shoulders can be painful, making your day-to-day life miserable. So, if you find yourself dealing with the issue yourself, you’ll likely want to know how to get rid of back acne. 

Thankfully, understanding the causes and available treatments can provide significant relief and that’s what we cover in this blog. First, though, we look at what causes the issue. 

Knowing How to Get Rid of Bacne Involves Knowing How It Starts

Understanding how to get rid of bacne is that much easier when you know what causes it, as it gives you the opportunity to do something about it. So, how does bacne form? Well, it happens for the same reasons why facial acne happens: blocked pores. 

However, the causes of these blocked pores are different. They can happen due to:

  • Wearing tight clothes that lead to friction around your torso
  • Changes in your hormone levels (for various reasons)
  • Genetics – You’re more likely to get bacne if it’s in your family
  • Having a diet that includes lots of dairy, fats and refined sugars
  • Using comedogenic products that clog pores
  • Skipping showers after workouts
  • Having lots of stress in your life

So, What Exactly Can You Do About Your Bacne?

What you have to remember is that acne doesn’t disappear overnight. As such, you need to take a long-term, pragmatic approach to clearing your skin. Keep that in mind and there are a plethora of ways you can tackle the issue that is bacne. 

  • Topical Treatments: Available in washes and creams, benzoyl peroxide reduces bacteria and helps clear pores, making it a great option for moderate to severe acne. Also, products containing salicylic acid can be very effective against mild to moderate acne. 
  • Antibiotics: If you have a moderate to severe case of acne, your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics which can significantly reduce inflammation and bacterial growth.
  • Lifestyle changes: By showering promptly after sweating to remove oil and bacteria and changing to a low-glycemic diet (that includes only limited dairy and high-sugar foods) can really help. 
  • Clothing Choices: As we mentioned, tight-fitting garments can lead to breakouts, so if you switch to loose-fitting, breathable fabrics, you’ll be able to minimize friction and subsequent irritation.

It’s also important to state that you should do your absolute best to never pick or squeeze any of your zits. While it might feel satisfying to do so, it’s only going to make things worse by spreading the problem and likely increasing your chances of scarring. 

Knowing How to Get Rid of Bacne Is Easy With the Right Approach

Bacne can be a tricky issue to resolve, but it is manageable. All you have to do is take the right approach and factor in everything you’ve read here. By combining the best topical treatments with a few lifestyle adjustments, you’ll do much to change things for the better.

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